New NVWA inspector for Nagoya Protocol
As of the beginning of this year, the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has appointed a new inspector for the Nagoya Protocol file: Inge Dedding. With her expertise, the NVWA will continue to monitor compliance with the ABS regulations for users of genetic resources in the Netherlands.
Surveillance and information sessions
The Nagoya Protocol obliges the governments of countries that have ratified the Protocol to enhance and monitor compliance with the Protocol. The EU ABS Regulation (Regulation (EU) 511/2014) implements the Nagoya Protocol in the Netherlands and imposes obligations on users of genetic resources in the EU. In the Netherlands, inspections on compliance with the EU ABS Regulation are carried out by the NVWA.
In 2019 and 2020, online inspections of compliance with the EU ABS Regulation were carried out and information meetings were organised for the public research sector and feed and food industry. Inge will continue these inspections. The sector that will be inspected from May this year is the cosmetics sector. This will be conducted through either digital or physical inspections.
With the inspections in mind, it is also planned to organise joint information presentations of the NVWA and the ABS Focal Point again.
Nature Vision of the NVWA
The NVWA wants to aid in reducing biodiversity loss. Proper compliance with the Nagoya Protocol is important because fair sharing of benefits from the use of genetic resources can contribute to the conservation of (genetic) biodiversity in the country of supply of the genetic resource.
More information
If you have any questions about supervision, please contact Inge Dedding (i.m.dedding@nvwa.nl). Would you like to request an information presentation? Please contact the ABS Focal Point. These presentations are free of charge within the Netherlands.