
Thematic spotlight… Climate Change & Farm Management

Published on
November 15, 2023

In over 10 years, FACCE-JPI has funded 170 projects. In this series of thematic spotlights, we analyse FACCE-JPI projects on a specific theme and focus on their key insights and publications. In this thematic piece, we focus on climate adaptation and farm management

Background and Introduction

Why is studying climate adaptation and farm management important for sustainable agriculture in a changing climate?

Climate adaptation represents a major challenge for food security and sustainability in Europe. Adapting to climate change is one of two main responses to climate change, the other being mitigation – reducing greenhouse gas emissions to by addressing the root causes. It involves seeking to reduce both the current and projected impacts of climate change, to limit the associated risks, and to benefit from any opportunities when possible. This is highly relevant to the farm level, where a transition is needed to prepare for and adjust to climate change, particularly in the management of the farm and how it manages ecosystem services.

Various novel and climate adaptive farm management systems have been and are studied in FACCE-JPI research projects. These farming systems range from organic, to climate-smart, circular, agroforestry, and conservationist. The projects that are in this thematic piece on climate adaptation and farm managements make clear that:

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