
Nobel Cause, Nobel Prize

Published on
December 17, 2020

Students from Sweden, the United States, and the Netherlands got together on December 11 to learn about the Nobel prize, to recognize the World Food Program for receiving the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize, and to commemorate Norman Borlaug receiving this Prize 50 years ago. “Almost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.”, read Jeanie Borlaug Laube from her dad’s medal during the session, empowering the youth to act in solving the world food problem.

The collaboration between the four Youth Institutes of the World Food Prize Foundation created an inspiring and diverse session for both high school and university students across the globe. Not only did students learn about the history and impact of the Nobel Prizes, but they also had an exclusive virtual tour of the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm, given by Annika Hedås Falk, Education Director of the museum. A chat with special guest Jeanie Borlaug Laube about the essential role of the youth made the session more personal, also showing her dad’s medals.

In the last hour of the session, lessons on two Nobel Prize laureates of this year and their work were given to the students in two breakout rooms. The World Food Program was awarded the Peace Prize 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna were awarded the Chemistry Prize 2020. Students of different ages from different backgrounds had the chance to share their perspectives on the two topics in the discussion after the presentation. Like Jeanie Borlaug Laube said during the session, the youth has an important role in solving world issues, so it is extremely valuable that the youth is still able to connect despite the pandemic.