Six years of FACCE ERA-GAS: Report of 3rd Research Programme Meeting and Stakeholder-led workshop
FACCE ERA-GAS has been running for 6 years. Initiated by FACCE-JPI in 2016, the network has launched three transnational research calls. With the 10 projects of the 1st research call coming to an end, it was a good time to reflect on what key learnings the research projects co-funded by FACCE ERA-GAS have for policy, research and practice to achieve climate action and reflect on how R&I can be leveraged for transformative change and co-delivery of climate targets.
The Research Programme Meeting and Stakeholder-led workshop was held virtually on 2-3 March and was attended by over a 100 participants from research, policy, innovation and farming.
The first half-day was dedicated to the Research Programme Meeting where the 10 research projects were interviewed by a moderator about their projects, the impact they think the results will have and what are the key recommendations they would give to policy-makers. Further issues were discussed in two separate panels, one on theme of Landscapes, Forests and Peatlands and the other on Crops, Livestock and Soils.
The second half-day was dedicated to a stakeholder-led workshop, separated into two thematic panels. One on policy and national greenhouse gas inventories and the other on farming, forestry and supporting innovation. Each stakeholder presented their daily work and what they need from research and innovation to meet their challenges.
Three keynote speakers were part of the event:
Peter Wehrheim Head of Bioeconomy Food Systems, DG R&I, European Commission on ''EU climate policy context for
mitigation options from farming and forestry and the role of research and innovation/ Horizon Europe''
Kerstin Rosenow Head of Research Innovation, DG AGRI, European Commission on ''From Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe
EU R&I in agriculture and forestry to deal with climate change''
Dhanush Dinesh Founder of ClimEat on ': ‘A changing climate for knowledge generation in agriculture’'
Other speakers/stakeholders included:
Martin Scholten, Wageningen University & Research, Principal Advisor for European Affairs
Gudrun Langthaler, FACCE-JPI Governing Board Chair
Hans Roust Thysen Head of Centre for Climate Sustainability, SEGES,Denmark
Fabien Ramos – Policy Officer Climate Change and Energy, DG CLIMA, European Commission
Valerio Abbadessa – Research Programme Officer, DG AGRI, European Commission
Jaakko Nippala – Senior Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland
Branwen Miles Senior Policy Advisor COPA COGECA
David Telford – Head of AgriFood, Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network
Nicolas Robert – Scientific Project Officer, Bioeconomy Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Would you like to know more? You can now download these documents: