SENSE project: Synergies in integrated systems
To what extent can integrated crop-livestock-forestry (agroforestry) systems be part of the solution to climate and biodiversity crises? The SENSE project develops scenarios for farm circularity and evaluates their (i) potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) resilience, using probabilistic risk analysis, and (iii) side effects on other societal goals.
The Netherlands wants to stimulate circularity in agriculture, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preserving nature, and adhering to other societal goals. This requires an integrated approach, which we apply in SENSE. The principle of circular agriculture is to make optimal use of all biomass and nutrients in a farm. However, there can be various side effects. E.g., the effects on the environment and on people are assumed to be positive, but are they? A clear picture of potential synergies and trade-offs is required before prioritizing solutions.
Target groups
We support farmers (especially with agroforestry) to make informed decisions regarding circular measures that take into account the potential trade-offs with other sustainability objectives. We help policy makers design an enabling environment that effectively supports farmers to strengthen circularity in their farming systems.
Project Objective
The particular potential of integrated crop-livestock-forestry production systems has been mentioned for circular agriculture, but little yet for climate and biodiversity challenges. We contribute with our systemic approach to better understand and strategically use this potential.
Working method
We base our joint project on long-term datasets where possible (Work Package1), develop a circularity metric to evaluate the current state of our case studies for which we estimate greenhouse gas emissions based on soil sensor data (WP2), we develop alternative scenarios to improve circularity (WP3), evaluate the case studies using the SMART-Farm tool, which conducts a comprehensive multidimensional sustainability assessment (WP4), and synthesize and disseminate our results (WP5). The duration of our project is 3 years (March 2022 to February 2025). Our consortium is funded by ERA-NET.
Project results
The project will evaluate and propose optimization strategies for sustainability and circularity related aspects of farming systems with different levels of integration in Europe and South America. Short video clips will be used to illustrate farm situations and knowledge. Policy briefs will summarize our main recommendations to policy makers. Networks between countries will facilitate international exchange, in addition to our scientific publications.