Who we are
The joint programming officers at Wageningen University & Research follow ERA policy and strategy. They participate in transnational collaborative partnerships, such as JPIs, EJPs, ERA-NET Actions, and the HEU Partnerships, with a focus on those in the areas of the bioeconomy, food, and the blue and green environment.
In the past decades, we have built collaborations with many other joint programming actors in national and European networks, such as through the Platform of Bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions, the Green ERA-Hub, the support action for the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research SCAR and national JPI forum and sounding boards. We are involved in co-designing the European Partnership Accelerating farming systems transition: agroecology living labs and research infrastructures, and the Safe and Sustainable Food Systems one. We are part of the coordination and management of FACCE-JPI as a Secretariat Member, in the ERA-NET Actions FOSC and ERA-GAS as Executive Team members, in the Green ERA-Hub as Work Package leaders, in the EJP SOIL, and we are part of the SCAR supporting RefreSCAR action.
We also conducted a global science and policy mapping on microbiome research in frame of the International Bioeconomy Forum, and are involved in work on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), scoping emerging research areas, preparing R&I agendas and monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment in joint programming networks.
Abigail Muscat
Coordinating advisor EU research collaborations
FACCE-JPI, HEU Partnerships, RefreSCAR
Dorri te Boekhorst
Policy advisor
HEU Partnerships
Martine Vernooij
Policy officer
Green ERA-Hub, FOSC
Eduardo Rojas Padilla
Policy officer
Green ERA-Hub
Elizabeth van der Meer
Policy officer
Alwin Gerritsen
Policy officer
Visitor Address: Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB, Wageningen, The Netherlands | Postal Address: PO Box 9101, 6700 HB, Wageningen, The Netherlands | E: jointprogramming(at)wur.nl